Ahh hi guys, sorry for going MIA here – I ran off to Newcastle and needed to disconnect from the computer screen. It was a great refresh and I started thinking about how blessed I am to be able to easily travel and experience new places not so far. While flying abroad is really exciting, sometimes the simpler, shorter trips taken with your family and friends by way of car are the most memorable. Especially because it was the first getaway with the baby nephew – his grin would not disappear off his face. Newcastle now remains one of my fondest memories of all time (I know, I can’t shush about it) so I tried to compile a photo diary in chronological order..
Driving (well just being the backseat bandit) to Newcastle during the Easter weekend was so fun – road-tripping with a best hits line-up playlist on blast and windows down with an abundance of sunlight pouring in. With five of us plus my baby nephew, taking an eight seated car worked out perfectly (for me at least haha) ..because I had an ample amount of space to enjoy the ride hehe. Well equipped with food, swim suits and sun hats - we were off!
When we took this last minute trip to Newcastle, I wasn't expecting much out of it, to be completely honest. We knew where we were staying and which beaches we wanted to hit up, but that was it. There was no set agenda.. Nonetheless, only a few days out of Sydney and I am missing it sorely.
The trip to Newcastle in its entirety, spending the weekend up there was an absolute experience in itself. A lot of the experience was lent from surprise-factors, which stemmed from its every crazy picturesque view, the jaw-dropping sunsets against the abundance of all the beaches, the seemingly unending sand dunes and pipis, the kindest residents, tranquil feels coming from pure quietness, or being able to hear the ebb and flow of gentle waves nearby. Unforgettable times. I would definitely recommend anyone to visit Newcastle if they ever get the chance. I'm hoping to find more chances in discovering other great places close by, do you have any to recommend?
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, happy weekend and happy holidays! G1 x.
P.S. Sorry about the quality of some of the photos here and there – some were taken with an iPhone 4.
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, happy weekend and happy holidays! G1 x.
P.S. Sorry about the quality of some of the photos here and there – some were taken with an iPhone 4.